Student Complaints Standards

Student Complaint Standard 1:

The program has established relationships with offices within the institution involved with student complaints or discipline, to facilitate communication and collaboration.


The program has proactively developed ongoing relationships with various campus offices to promote a better understanding of students in the program and to develop plans for collaboration in supporting the students. The program is required to have working relationships with campus security, the Title IX office, and the office that deals with student code of conduct. Programs may also wish to work with other offices, such as student affairs, residence life, and the legal department.

Required for Review

  • Describe the relationships with offices within the institution involved with student complaints or discipline, including campus security, the Title IX office, and student complaint office.

  • Share information about any agreements made with these offices, or other offices, to facilitate support for students in the program who wish to file a complaint or who have a complaint filed against them, or other relevant concern.

Student Complaints Standard 2:

The institution’s grievance procedures are understandable, provided to, and discussed with, students in the program and their parents.


An accessible (i.e., written at an accessible reading level, uses graphics, explains abstract concepts) version of the code of conduct, including Title IX requirements, is provided to students and parents or other supporters, if applicable. Program staff review the code of conduct with students, related to both academic rights and responsibilities and expected student behavior in various contexts.

Required for Review

  • Accessible version of code of conduct.

  • Communication/information dissemination plan for sharing code of conduct with students and parents.

Student Complaints Standard 3:

Support is provided to students who have complaints lodged against them as well as students who seek to lodge a formal written complaint. Support is available throughout the grievance process and throughout any actions that result and if a student is at risk of being expelled or urged to exit the program.


Support must be provided for a student when a complaint is filed against a student in the program, or when a student files a complaint, or when a student is in danger of being suspended, expelled, or asked to exit a program prior to program completion. Students may request support from/involvement of their parents/designated supporters in complaint procedures. Reasonable accommodations must be provided, as applicable. All due process procedures that are established by the IHE for students involved in complaints must be followed for students in the program, with support as needed.

Required for Review

  • Document the procedures the program uses to help the student understand the complaint, and to support the student through the entire grievance process, including facilitating written and oral communication between the student, the family (if the student has signed a FERPA waiver), and the institution.

  • Explain the process that is used to provide a clear explanation of the grievance process and assistance provided when a student wants to file a complaint.

  • Provide copies of understandable materials regarding grievance procedures that are shared with the student. Documentation must include how written and oral communication is facilitated between the student, the family parents/designated supporters (if the student has signed a FERPA waiver), and the institution.

  • Indicate how information is provided to the student and the parents/designated supporters (if the student has signed a FERPA waiver) when there is a violation or difficulty that could lead to suspension, expulsion, or encouragement to leave the program prior to completion.

  • State the procedures followed if a student violates a program rule or institution code of conduct, or is at risk of suspension, expulsion, or early exit for other reasons, such as academic or behavioral difficulties, and what steps are taken to support the student prior to dismissal or encouragement to exit the program.

    • Include all policies and procedures related to student grievances as stated above

    • Provide communications (redacted) explaining policies

    • Provide the appeals process for students at risk of suspension, expulsion, or early exit from the IHE or the program

    • Provide student orientation presentation materials related to student grievances and appeals process

Last updated