Phase 3: Site Visit and Accreditation Determination (Steps 7-9)
Step 7. Site Visit
The IHEAC conducts a 2-day site visit to confirm information and evidence submitted in the application and Self-Study. Prior to the site visit, the IHEAC staff assists the program and the Peer Review Team to establish a site visit schedule that determines when the required stakeholders will be available for interviews (see Figure 1 for a sample site visit schedule). Required groups include currently enrolled students, alumni, current and alumni family members, program leaders, staff, faculty, employers, campus partners, and college or university leadership. The site visit is an essential part of the accreditation review. Discussing the program with the program director and staff, current students, alumni, families, campus partners, and university leaders is essential to understanding the quality of the program.
Based on the Peer Review Team’s findings during the site visit, the applicant may be asked to provide additional documentation related to the standards. The applicant should provide this information during the site visit or shortly thereafter. To conclude the site visit, the Peer Review Team conducts an exit meeting with the program leaders to provide clarification and review the remaining steps in the accreditation process.
Figure 1: Sample Schedule Day 1 - Program Accreditation Site Visit
Details/Focus Area
Details/Focus Area
Details/Focus Area
Meeting Location
8:00–8:30 am
Welcome, Introductions, and Site Visit Overview
(Program Director and Staff + Site Visit Team)
Conference Room
8:30–9:30 am
Brief Campus Tour with Students, Alumni, Staff, and Peer Mentors
Locations across campus
9:45–10:45 am
Group 1
Meet with Peer Mentors
Group 2 -
Meet with Campus Partners
Group 3
Meet with Peer Mentors
See each Group for location and names of attendees
10:45–11:00 am
Break and travel to meeting locations
11–11:45 am
Group 1
Meet with Campus Partners:
Group 2 -
Meet with Faculty
Group 3
Meet with Alumni Students
See each Group for location and names of attendees
12noon–1:00 pm
Lunch and Peer Reviewers Meeting
Conference Room
1:15–2:00 pm
Group 1
Meet with Current First Year Students
Group 2
Meet with Campus Partners
Group 3
Meet with Faculty
See each Group for location and names of attendees
2:15–3:00 pm
All Together
Meeting with University Leadership
(e.g., Dean of the College of Education)
University Hall 101
3:00–3:15 pm
Conference Room
3:15–4:00 pm
Group 1
Meet with Alumni
via Zoom
Group 2
Meet with Current Parents via Zoom
Group 3
Meet with Program Staff
See each Group for locations and names of attendees
4:00–4:30 pm
Peer Reviewers Meeting
Conference Room
Step 8. Peer Reviewer Report
The Peer Reviewer Report is submitted within seven working days of the completed site visit. ThePeer reviewers compile all findings from the Self-Study and site visit into the report and submit it to the IHEAC Board for their consideration. Peer reviewers provide information about how the program meets the standards based on the Self-Study and site visit. The peer reviewers use Figure 3: Peer Reviewer Report Rating when evaluating the Self-Study evidence and site visit information. This evidence can be provided in the Self-Study via Weave, during the site visit, and/or during the site visit completion process.
Evidence is defined as documentation provided by the program to the peer reviewers through the Self-Study and/or the site visit. Peer reviewers may request additional evidence as needed from the program during the site visit process. Peer reviewers will use their professional knowledge and expertise when considering all verbal and written evidence.
Figure 2: Peer Reviewer Report Rating
Partially Met
Not Met
The number of pieces of evidence presented for the standard surpasses what is needed to determine that the standard was met.
The number of pieces of evidence presented for the standard is sufficient to determine that the standard was met.
The number of pieces of evidence presented for the standard is sufficient to determine that the majority of the criteria for the standard were met.
The number of pieces of evidence presented for the standard is inadequate to determine that the standard was met.
The characteristics of the evidence presented for the standard surpasses what is needed to determine that the standard was met.
The characteristics of the evidence presented for the standard is sufficient to determine that the standard was met.
The characteristics of the evidence presented for the standard is sufficient to determine that the majority of the criteria for the standard were met.
The characteristics of the evidence presented for the standard is inadequate to determine that the standard was met.
Step 9. Accreditation Determination
As highlighted in this guide, the approach to accreditation embodies collaboration and focuses on quality improvement and assurance. The accreditation determination decision lies with the Board of the IHEAC.
Overview of the Accreditation Decision Making Process
Upon review of the Self-Study and the Peer Reviewer Report, the IHEAC Board determines the level of accreditation a program receives, see Figure 4: IHEAC Accreditation Determination. The IHEAC Board meets via video conference as often as is necessary to make decisions in a timely manner, generally within six to eight weeks of a site visit. At the meeting, the Executive Director (or staff designee) presents an oral summary of the case, and a quorum of board members must be present at the determination meeting.
IHEAC Board Members render all IHEAC accreditation decisions. A majority of board members must agree to the determination. The Executive Director (or staff designee) attends the meeting and witnesses the IHEAC’s discussion and decision in real time. In each accreditation case, IHEAC Board Members base their decision on the evidence contained in the program’s Self-Study Report and in the Peer Reviewer Evaluation Report. The IHEAC Board applies standards and evidence expectations to award, deny, or revoke accreditation.
Figure 3: IHEAC Accreditation Determination
The IHEAC Board may take one of the following actions:
Accreditation Level
The IHEAC finds that all 10 standard areas are met. The program is accredited for the full term of seven years.
Provisionally Accredited
The IHEAC finds that all 10 standard areas are provisionally met, and the program is accredited for a term of three years.
Not Accredited
The IHEAC finds that the program does not meet all 10 standard areas and does not qualify for accreditation for reasons specified in the decision letter.
Findings of accredited and provisionally accredited are affirmative findings. No further action is needed for findings of accredited. A finding of provisionally accredited requires the program to complete a follow-up report by a specified date and a focused site visit at the IHEAC’s discretion. A finding of not accredited is an adverse finding. If the IHEAC Board makes a finding of not accredited, they will outline future steps and guidance in the accreditation determination letter to the program.
Accreditation Terms and Notations
A full accreditation term is seven years. Provisional accreditation is for three years. Accreditation terms take effect immediately at the time of the decision. Terms expire in the designated year at the close of the semester when the site visit took place (June 30 for site visits conducted between January 1 and June 30; December 31 for site visits conducted between July 1 and December 31).
Notification of Decision: IHEAC will send an official communication (i.e., letter via email) to the program director copied to the designated university leader(s) explaining the accreditation decision and the term of accreditation, and/or the date for any required reply by the program.
Appeal of Decision: If a program decides to appeal an IHEAC accreditation decision, the program director must email the IHEAC Board President and the IHEAC Executive Director to notify the IHEAC of the program's decision to appeal. The program director must submit a letter summarizing the reason(s) for appeal within 10 working days of the notification of accreditation determination.
Required Annual Report: To maintain accreditation status, all accredited programs must complete and submit an IHEAC Annual Report. The due date of the annual report is specified as either July 1 or January 1, based on when the program was awarded accreditation.
Public Notification: All IHEAC accreditation determination decisions are posted publicly on within one week of the decision.
Last updated