Table 4. Facilities Checklist
for Facilities, Equipment, and Supply Standard 1 (FES1)
Facility Name
Accessible to students in the program the same way it is accessible to students outside the program?
Does this facility require all students to have a university issued Identification card (ID)?
1: Accesses facility using their own ID card,
2: Uses facilities through a peer mentor,
3: Uses faculty or staff access,
4: N/A- No ID card is required for accessing these facilities.
Do students in the program have limited access?
If so, how? This means that the student in the program has their own access and does not have to access these facilities with peer mentors.
Athletic Center(s)
Computer Lab(s)
Dining Hall(s)
Health Center
Interfaith Chapel
Recreational Facilities
Student Union
Kitchen or Common Areas in Residence Halls
Laundry Facilities
Instructional Technology (IT) computer support
Rental Books
Campus Transportation
Speech Clinic (or other related service clinics)
Counseling Services
Disability Support Services (or Accessibility Resources)
Campus Police and Safety
Last updated