Mixed Compensation

Some State AT Programs utilize a hybrid type of agreement in which there is a core period-based compensation with additional payments available for provision of units of service above a set threshold or beyond a set scope. This is analogous to the salesperson who has a base salary but earns commission in addition. For device demonstration, this might include a traditional 12-month agreement that requires a minimum number of demonstrations be conducted/reported for a specific amount, with extra incentive payments available for demonstrations over that target amount and/or for demonstrations delivered in targeted geographic areas of the state and/or those that include very complex AT devices.

Example: The state AT program contracts with an Easter Seal affiliate to conduct a minimum of 200 device demonstrations for $10,000 for a year period. For each device demonstration conducted beyond the 200 specified, an additional $35 will be paid for those that require less than an hour and $50 for those that require more than an hour.

Last updated January 2023

Last updated