Annual Performance Report Data Structure
Financial Loan — acquisition event core record
Multiple data elements for each loan made
One or more AT devices for each loan made
One acquisition performance measure and one satisfaction rating for each loan made
Other State Financing (direct provision or savings) — acquisition event core record
One recipient for each other state financing event reported (must be unduplicated for the same event within a reporting period, but can be duplicated if a second event occurs much later within the same reporting period)
One or more AT devices in one or more AT type categories for each other state financing event reported
One acquisition performance measure and one satisfaction rating for each other state financing event reported
Reuse — acquisition event core record
One recipient for each reuse event reported. Recipients must be unduplicated for same event within a reporting period. Recipients can be duplicated if a second event occurs much later within the same reporting period (e.g., a person acquires reused devices and returns six months later to obtain additional devices is typically reported as two reuse events).
One or more AT devices in one or more AT type categories for each other reuse event reported.
One acquisition performance measure and one satisfaction rating for each reuse event reported.
Device Loan — acquisition or decision-making event core record
One borrower type for each device loan event reported
One or more AT devices (usually in one AT type) for each loan event reported
One performance measure (access or acquisition) and one satisfaction rating for each loan event reported.
Demonstration — decision-making event core record
One AT type (regardless of number of devices demonstrated) for each device demonstration event reported
One or more participants with one decision-maker identified and all other participants reported for each demo event
One access performance measure for each demo event reported
Multiple satisfaction ratings, one from each participant reported for demo event
Training — training event core record
Number of participants in event reported by participant type categories
Number of participants in event reported by geographic distribution categories
Number of participants in event reported by topic categories
One ICT accessibility training performance measure for each participant reported in ICT accessibility topic category
Acquisition Events (Financial Loan, Other State Financing, Reuse, Device Loan)
Data system must support one recipient/borrower with multiple associated devices acquired within AT type or across AT types reported as one acquisition event
Data system must support only one performance measure per acquisition event and must ensure all non-respondents are counted
Access Events (Device Loan and Device Demonstration)
Data system must support one borrower with multiple associated devices borrowed-returned (usually within one AT type) reported as one device loan access event
Data system must support one AT type with one decision-maker and optional additional associated participants reported as one device demonstration access event
Data system support only one decision-making performance measure per access event and must ensure all non-respondents are counted
Last updated January 2023
Last updated