Leveraged Funding

Leveraged funding reported in the APR are dollars that flow to the state AT program to be expended to support authorized AT Act activities included in the state plan. Any activities not authorized under the AT Act are not reported at all in the APR. Data is reported in the APR for all activities included in the state plan. Dollars leveraged and used by contractors (i.e., dollars do not flow to the state AT program) are NOT reported as leveraged funding. In kind contributions are NOT reported as leveraged funding.

Red Flag: Significant amount of federal leveraged funding.

The “federal” fund source category is limited to direct federal grants received by the state AT program and as such is not typically a large source of leveraged funding. Federal dollars that flow through state agencies (e.g., IDEA, VR, Medicaid) and are provided to the state AT program via agreement with those agencies are reported with a public/state agency source category even though the funds are federal for accounting purposes.

Last updated January 2023

Last updated